Aarhus University Seal



  • Thomsen, B.M.S. (in press, 2020): “Shared, shamed and archived images of vulnerable bodies. On the nexus of media, feminism and freedom of speech in Scandinavia”; in Margareta Dancus, Mats Hyvönen, Maria Karlsson (eds.): Vulnerability as a productive Resource in Scandinavian Art and Culture. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Rasmussen, S. (2020): "Anarchival Scripts"; in Capacious Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry, 2 (1-2), pp. 186-205.


  • Rasmussen, S., Fritsch, J. & Hansen, N.B. (2019). " A Design Archival Approach to Knowledge Production in Design Research and Practice"; in Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI’19). ACM.
  • Groth, S.K., & Samson, K. (in press): ”The Audio Paper as affective attunements: Thinking, producing and listening”. In Practical Aesthetics. Eds. Bernd Herzogenrath. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Rasmussen S., Olesen J.F., Halskov K. (2019): "Co-notate: Exploring Real-time Annotations to Capture Situational Design Knowledge". In Proceedings of Design Interactive Systems'19. ACM.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S. (2019): “The Demonic Quality of Darkness in The House That Jack Built: Haptic Transmedial Affects throughout the work of Lars von Trier”; in Carol Vernallis, Holly Rogers, Lisa Perrott (eds.): Transmedia Directors. Bloomsbury.
  • Kofoed, J., V. Walkerdine, H. Haavind & A. Andenæs (forthcoming). Intensity work: Exploring Affective Intensities in School. In: Gender & Education.
  • Kofoed, J. & E. Staksrud (2019): ‘We always torment different people, so by definition, we are no bullies’: The problem of definitions in cyberbullying research. In: New Media & Society, vol 21, no 4, pp. 1006 – 1020
  • Reestorf, C., Kofoed, J. & Fritsch (2019, accepted): Affective politics and strategic cyberbullying in Donald Trump’s tweets. Submitted to Conjunctions: Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation.
  • Markussen T. (2019): “The Impure Politics of Design Activism”. In: Tom Bieling (ed.) Design (&) Activism - Perspectives on Design as Activism and Activism as Design. Mimesis International, pp. 35-46. 
  • Markussen T. (forthcoming): “The Politics of Design Activism – From Impure Politics to Parapolitics”. In J. Traganou (ed.) Design and Political Dissent: Spaces, Objects, Materiality. London & New York: Routledge.
  • Reestorff, Camilla Møhring. 2019 (forthcoming). “Affective Politics and Involuntary Autoethnography: Backlashes Against #Metoo”; in Capacious.
  • Reestorff, Camilla Møhring. 2019.Mord, aids, og postkolonialisme: Cold Case Hammarskjöld”. I: Eftertryk, 26.03.2019.
  • Reestorff, Camilla Møhring. 2019. ”Danske medier underminerer #MeToo i jagten på hurtige klik”. I: Videnskab.dk [online], 06.01.2019.
  • Reestorff, Camilla Møhring; Signe Ulbjerg. 2019. ”Æstetik og aktivisme”. I. Ny Kulturteori (red. Eriksson). Hans Reitzels forlag.
  • Restorff, Camilla Møhring. 2019. ”Global ulighed, provokationer og kunstaktivisme: The Village Project Uganda”. Katalog. Randers kunstmuseum.
  • Fjalland, E. L. P., & Samson, K. (2019). Reparative Practices: Invitations from mundane urban ecologies. Paper presented at NORDES - Who Cares?, Helsinki, Finland. http://www.nordes.org/opj/index.php/n13/article/view/472
  • Samson, K. (Accepted/In press). Spatial Citizenship: Event, dissent and design from down town Sao Paulo to the peripheries. In Design as Dissent Routledge.
  • Groth, S.K., & Samson, K. (Accepted/In press). The Audio Paper – From situated practices to affective sound encounters. Paragrana.
  • Samson, K. (Accepted/In press). Urbanitet. In B. Eriksson, & B. Shiermer Andersen (Eds.), Aktuelle kulturteoretiske temaer Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Kærgaard, P., McGowan, M. K., Mouritzen, L., & Samson, K. (Accepted/In press). Radical Softness – Artistic methodology of encountering the other. PARSE.
  • Fritsch, J. (in press): "An Eco-logic of Urban Interactive Environments". Book chapter in Immediations anthology, Open Humanities Press.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S. (2019): “The Automata of Movement - Immediations of Memory in Hu Jieming’s The Remnants of Images (2013)”; in Erin Manning, Anna Munster, Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen (eds.): Immediations. Open Humanities Press.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S. (2019): Prelude to Third Movement: Ecologies of Practices; in Erin Manning, Anna Munster, Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen (eds.): Immediations. Open Humanities Press.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S. (2019): "Prelude to Fourth Movement: Collective Assemblages of Enunciation"; in Erin Manning, Anna Munster, Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen (eds.): Immediations. Open Humanities Press.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S. (2019): "Twisting into the Middle. 1"; in Erin Manning, Anna Munster, Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen (eds.): Immediations. Open Humanities Press.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S. (2019): "Twisting into the Middle. 2"; in Erin Manning, Anna Munster, Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen (eds.): Immediations. Open Humanities Press.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S. (2019): "Twisting into the Middle. 3"; in Erin Manning, Anna Munster, Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen (eds.): Immediations. Open Humanities Press.
  • Andreasen, T. (2019): "Destituting the interface: beyond affordance and determination"; in Media Theory, 3 (1), pp. 103-112.


  • Rasmussen, S. & Frich, J. (2018): "Defining Design Events". In proceedings of NordiCHI'18, Oslo, Norway.
  • Fritsch, E. & Fritsch, J. (forthcoming, submitted for review): Anarchival Practices across Design and Anthropology. Book chapter submitted for ANARCHIVE anthology, Open Humanities Press.
  • Rasmussen, S., Thomsen, B. M. S., Fritsch, J. (forthcoming, submitted for review): "Machines for Anarchival Becoming".  Book chapter submitted for ANARCHIVE anthology, Open Humanities Press.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S.: Lars von Trier’s Renewal of Film. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
  • Fritsch, J. (forthcoming, accepted): "Affective Interaction Design at the End of the World". In proceedings of the Design Research Society (DRS) Conference in Limerick, Ireland.
  • Kærgaard Andersen, P., Mouritzen, L., & Samson, K. (2018). Becoming Citizen: Spatial and Expressive Acts when Strangers Move In. Social Inclusion6(3). https://doi.org/10.17645/si.v6i3.1513
  • Samson, K. (2018). Stedets affekt og performativitet: Hvordan den sanselige erkendelse artikuleres i aktuel kulturarv og bydesign. In M. Martinussen, & K. Larsen (Eds.), Materialitet og læring (pp. 271-296). København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
  • Reestorff, Camilla M. (2017). “Affective Activism and Political Secularism : The Unending Body in the Femen Movem”, Graham Meikle (red.) Routledge Companion to Media and Activism. London og New York: Routledge.
  • Reestorff, Camilla Møhring. 2018. “Instagrammable humanitarianism and the politics of guilt”. I: Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, Bind 10, Nr. 2, 1438733, 02.04.2018, s. 83-96.
  • Reestorff, Camilla Møhring; Stage, Carsten. 2018. “Medier og affektteori”. I: Medieteori. (red. Palle Schantz Lauridsen; Erik Svendsen). Samfundslitteratur.
  • Fritsch, J. & Samson, K. (2018) “Change the Refrains: Eco-Logic Design for the Revaluation of Urban Environments.” Abstract and presentation at the CAPCIOUS Conference, Lancaster PA, USA.
  • Fritsch, J. (2018): Affective Interaction Design at the End of the World. Proceedings of the Design Research Society (DRS) Conference in Limerick, Ireland.
  • Andersen, T. & Fritsch, J. (2018): Affect and Emotions in Patient Data Work. Presented at the 21st ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, NY.
  • Blichfeldt, M.E., Komang-Sønderbek, J., Højlund Westergård, F. & Fritsch, J.  (2018). The Living Tree; using Surface Transducers to explore the secret Life of Trees. Demo w. extended abstract in the Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS)’18 Conference, Hong Kong, pp. 327-330. Best Demo Award.
  • Kofoed, J. & H. Rabøl Hansen (2018). Skolesorg. Død, zombier og kroppe i hardcore mobning. In: Dansk Pædagogisk Tidsskrift.
  • Kofoed, J. (2018). A fellow traveler. The opening of an archive. In: Rachel Thomson, Liam Berriman and Sara Bragg (eds): Researching everyday childhoods: time, technology and documentation in a digital age, London, New York: Bloomsbury
  • Kofoed, J. (2018) Temporal ephemerality, persistent affectivity: circulation of intimacies on Snapchat in: Rikke Andreassen; Michael Nebeling Petersen; Katherine Harrison; Tobias Raun (eds) Mediated intimacies: Connectivities relationalities and proximities; London: Routledge.
  • Andreasen, T. (2018:) “Trump som politisk begivenhed: Fordelingspolitisk protest, kollektiv psykose og affektivt interface”; in K & K, 46 (126), pp. 195-216.


  • Samson, K.: "Encuentros: Urbanismo Afectivo". In Santiago Babylon, José Abásolo (ed.). Santiago, Chile: AriztiaBooks, pp. 118-149.
  • Reestorff, Camilla M. (forthcoming). “Affective Activism and Political Secularism: The Unending Body in the Femen Movement”, Graham Meikle (ed.). In Routledge Companion to Media and Activism. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Rasmussen, S.: "Imagining Probabilities, Imagining Possibilities: Machinic Pattern Recognition". In A Peer-Reviewed Newspaper: Machine Research, Vol. 6, issue 1, Digital Aesthetics Research Centre, Aarhus University, transmediale, and Constant Association for Art and Media.
  • Reestorff, Camilla M.: Culture War: Affective Cultural Politics, Tepid Nationalism and Art Activism. Bristol and Chicago: Intellect Press.
  • Kofoed, J. (forthcoming): "Temporal ephemerality, persistent affectivity : Circulation of intimacies on Snapchat". In Mediated intimacies: Connectivities relationalities and proximities. Rikke Andreassen; Michael Nebeling Petersen; Katherine Harrison; Tobias Raun (eds). London  Routledge.
  • Markussen, T. (forthcoming) "Disentangling the ‘Social' in Social Design”. In Journal of Co-Design, special issue on Co-Design and the Public Realm.
  • Reestorff, C.M. and Stage, C. (forthcoming). “Affekt og Medieteori”. In Medieteori, Palle S. Lauritsen and Erik Svendsen (eds.). Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur.
  • Reestorff, C.M. (forthcoming). “The Politics of Shame and Guilt: Governing Affects in the Face of Suffering”. In Journal of Aesthetics and Culture.
  • Andreasen, T. (2017): “From Spectacular Images to the Destitution of the Interface”; in Media Literacy in Europe, 2017, pp. 8-11.


  • Reestorff, Camilla M. and Carsten Stage: “New Media Crowds and the Participatory Politics of Trolling in Innocence of Muslims and Happy British Muslims”, Henrik Kaare Nielsen et al. (eds.). In The Democratic Public Sphere. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
  • Andreasen, T.: "Arkivets Pleroma : Et løfte om lykke”. In K&K, Vol. 44, Nr. 121, pp. 153-170.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S.: “Storbyens elektriske ledninger og ladninger: Androidens funktion i Fritz Langs Metropolis”. Lasse Gammelgaard, Birgitte Rasmussen Hornbek, Henrik Jørgensen og Lis Norup:  Gaden: æstetisk, sprogligt, kulturelt. Spring: Aarhus. (p. 166-178).
  • Andreasen, T.: "Foucault som tænker af teknologien”. In Agora, Nr. 4-1, pp. 83-100.
  • Samson, K., Bertelsen, L. and Baunkilde, M.: "Sensitiv urbanitet: Fra arkitektonisk planlægning til foldningernes by". In Periskop, Vol 2016, no. 16.
  • Kofoed, J. and Larsen, M.C.: "A snap of intimacy: photo-sharing practices among young people on social media. In First Monday (Chicago), Vol. 21, Nr. 11.
  • Markussen, T., Knutz, E. and Lenskjold, T.: ”Design activism as a new method for inquiring into mixed emotions in uncomfortable social interaction”. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Design & Emotion. Amsterdam.
  • Reestorff, Camilla M.: “Danskhedens affektive mulighedsrum: Grænsekontrol og kulturkamp på Facebook”. In Passage. 76, s. 93-114.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S.: Lars von Triers fornyelse af filmmediet 1984-2014. Signal, Pixel, Diagram. Museum Tusculanum Press: København (384 pages). Lars von Triers fornyelse af filmmediet 1984-2014. Signal, Pixel, Diagram. Museum Tusculanum Press: København (384 pages).
  • Grönvall, E., Fritsch, J. & Vallgårda, A.: “FeltRadio - Sensing and Making Sense of Wireless Traffic". In Proceedings of DIS’16, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 829-840. Honorable Mention Award.
  • Thomsen, B.M.S.: “Disembodying Data and Rematerialising Technology”. In Booklet to Dreams Rewired, a film by Manu Luksch, Martin Reinhart & Thomas Tode. Amour Fou Vienna. (5 pages).
  • Fritsch, J., Grönvall, E., Breinbjerg, M.: ”Analyzing the Aesthetics of Participation of Media Architecture". In Proceedings of MAB’16, Sydney, Australia 


  • Thomsen, B.M.S.: “Affective Attunements in the Field of Catastrophe”. Interview with Erin Manning and Brian Massumi  by Joans Fritsch og Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen. In Brian Massumi: Politics of Affect. Polity Press: Camden, UK & Malden, MA, USA. (p. 112-146)
  • Thomsen, B.M.S.: “At sanse sin perception”. In Erik Exe Christoffersen og Kathrine Wilkelhorn (red.): Skønhedens hotel. Hotel Pro Forma. Et laboratorium for scenekunst. Aarhus Universitetsforlag (p. 109-120).
  • Thomsen, B.M.S.: “Interface Screenings. Integrations of the Body according to New Diagrams for Visual Mapping”. In Transvisuality, Vol II. Tore Kristensen, Anders Michelsen & Frauke Wiegand (eds.). Liverpool University Press: Liverpool (p. 162-175).
  • Thomsen, B.M.S.: “Deterritorializing Language – Shift, Mix, Trace and Express”. In Inflexions no. 8 on 'Radical Pedagogies'. Edited by Gerko Egert, Ilona Hongisto, Michael Hornblow, Katve-Kaisa Kontturi, Mayra Morales, Ronald Rose-Antoinette, Adam Szymanski. http://www.inflexions.org/radicalpedagogy/main.html